
Sunday, April 3, 2016

#3: Exhaustion

Drooping eyes and sallow face,

Curved-down lips and a grimace,
Heavy steps and a heavy heart,
Dragging self along the path,
White sound ringing in the ears,
A sore comment will downright pierce,
Painful eyes red with tears,
That have stayed there over the years,
Gasping breath and dry mouth,
Snivelling nose, uncouth,

Need a soft bed and soft words,
Need to hear the chirping of birds,
To remove exhaustion.


  1. You express so easily. The words, they make a scene and bring emotions right out with them. I think I can completely relate to the base word, the dialogue of this poem; it is not a good thing at all.

    And yeah, the perfect antidote for this is a soft bed and soft words, soft words more. There is a lot that soft words can do, people don't usually realise that.

    You are writing deep deep stuff here, I am so glad we started this ^_^

    1. Me too!!! Thank you so much for these words. ^_^

  2. I love how it so effortlessly rhymed and with right display of emotions. And I love that you are writing poems. :D


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