
Saturday, April 2, 2016

#2: Forsaken soul

"Don't go out yet!" we said. "Your talks with that friend are ever on the rise. 
Talking about our household is not wise."

The light left her eyes, shoulders stooped, she slunk back on her chair.
"She's back from the village with a gift. Taking it, I think, is fair."

We stopped short of words. Yet again we were too hasty and judging.
The househelp across the lane had the comfort only a friend could bring.

Staring at the soppy serial on TV, her only distraction, her eyes welled with tears,
"You wouldn't know what it is to be alone, and to live in fear."

A sharp intake of breath we took. She was right, and we hadn't thought,
What it could be like to lose every loved one life had brought.

There had been a home with Mother and Sister and Goats in a far-off village,
Before it crumbled while she had been away, all mercilessly pillaged.

The Mother and Sister killed by some kin,
And no one to arrest them for committing the sin.

For we live in a country where the mighty rule,
The honest and the hard-working man is just a fool.

So it was that she lost her family, for the kin lusted for her life too,
She gave up her hard-earned money to another greedy sister, for there was nothing she could do.

The greedy sister, sent off at birth to a kin-woman who wanted her, became bitter,
To the birth-mother; she felt no sympathy for her remaining sister.

Yet we wondered what made this lonely girl do things for the greedy one,
"She's the only family left... I'm doing what I would anyway have done."

Cleaning, cooking, washing, answering throughout the day,
A few minutes of solace with a friend are for play.

Yet she is hindered. By the time we realize our mistake,
She has taken to sleep, lost in a world we are not allowed to take.


The hero on a rainy morning...
Thank you for reading this poem. I'm glad I wrote it. It makes me feel more aware and empathetic towards a girl I've known for more than eight years, a girl who isn't my sister, yet I've lived under the same roof as her, a girl I've seen striving to be good at everything she learns. It was a hard blow to her (and us) when news of the tragedy that befell her home reached us. We cannot really imagine how she feels to live in such a world. Yet, I've seen her laughing more than I've ever done, and I wonder at that. I don't like the communication gap we have. We don't have long talks. It gets awkward when we do try. I'm annoyed at something most of the times, and it nearly always goes to her. Sometimes I feel like crying if I think of my behaviour considering her situation, because it makes me feel ashamed of myself, of all of us who, after an initial "I'm sorry", tend to forget all about another's tragedy. Every life counts, and each one of it should be celebrated with love and care. Thinking about it just now, I think it would be a good amend to renew what I had started long ago and left too soon without completing it--to teach her to read and write in Hindi. What's the point of being a lover of words when I can't share the love with someone I actually do care about? You rock, V. You'll never read this, but from among this love-hate relationship, love rules. 

I am participating in the National Poem Writing Month (NaPoWriMo). It was a suggestion by a friend, and I readily accepted mostly because I had been craving to get back to blogging, but somehow had not been able to manage it. I've never been into poems. The only poetry book I own was acquired a few days ago, as a gift. But I hope to express my thoughts, realize some truths in the process of writing, and share it on this blog with NaPoWriMo. And oh, the most exciting part about this "project" is that I'm competing with this blogger-friend. We're going to see who writes better, each day. We realized that to get into that writing frame of mind, we needed to be regular, and this could just be the thing. And to keep us motivated, what's better than a challenge? We can self-judge (assuming you guys would be too busy to comment or anything), but you are free to give your opinion! It would inspire us even more! This is tagged #2 because it is April 2 today. We forgot to begin it yesterday. :P

You can participate in NaPoWriMo too. Click here


  1. Hey, I loved this poem. A poet of note, in making you are. I love the style and the way of expression. And I dearly loved the thoughts behind it.

    I am so glad, that your poem, your first poem for this month of poems was this, and this good. Thank you for writing and for sharing it. And all the best for all the rest of them ;)

    You win day 2 hands down ;)

    1. Hi!! See, my first poem and it went nearly into a typical blog post :P I never seem to know when to stop. But I guess I'm improving.

      Thank you, thank you. I win, yay! Good luck to you too!! May you end up giving me good competition :P

  2. First of all, the last point left me laughing hard :P

    Now, coming to the poem. It was beautiful in the way of how realization unfolds. And I like it that you admit the lack on your part. It happens. We make such plans but tread on with other things on our list. Happens :)

    1. Yes, happens. Takes so much grit to see things through! And to see things by keeping ourselves detached from them.


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