
About Me

First of all, thank you for opening this tab, if you've not opened it by mistake, that is. Well, even if you have, I'll still be thankful if you really read it, because I don't know if anyone would want to know 'About Me' and I think I could just go blah, blah, blah over here and no one would notice! But still, I'll talk sense, hoping for the extremely minute possibility that someone from some heavenly world would open this tab for genuine reasons. To know more about this blogger, I mean. :)

I'm a management student book editor living and studying working in New Delhi, India. I love reading (fiction, mainly. Any kind of fiction minus 'too much romance kind'. I'm exploring Young Adult fiction and I'm so in love with it!). *Addition made at a later date: I got into the field of my choice - dealing with book content and I'm loving it! Naturally, now I read (and have to read) just about everything that comes my way. Turns out I was really limiting myself earlier. The books I earlier ran away from? They're not really bad.*

I am also a hobbyist photographer. Just a hobby, so you can't say, ever, seeing the pictures that they're not 'professional'. I hate it, you know. What's wrong with just clicking pictures because you like it? Anyway, I have a hunch you'll like them, if at all I finally post them.

When, during holidays, I have nothing to do, I'll move all over the house, book in hand, nose in book and annoying everyone by acting like that. If I ever leave it, I'll be on the internet, stalking reading my favorite blogs or blogging or Facebook or random Google searching! I'm very much a foodie and I eat a lot, though  I'm not a big fan of street food. (And yes, I'm pretty much average in size, not the over-sized one you imagined when you read 'foodie'). I also love making lists for 'things to do' and habitually watch them being crumpled with hardly anything being done. Not that I'm lazy or anything, just that I overestimate my capabilities a bit. ;)

About other things, I like all stuff that's branded or cute or exquisite. I like collecting books, bookmarks and tags from new clothes (no, I'm not really weird. People do crazier things). I'll probably love you and join your blog (if you happen to have one) if you're a Harry Potter fan and love reading the kind of books I love.

Anyway, that's enough to make anyone leave this place, so I wouldn't delve deeper. If by any small, tiny chance, you might want to write to me, because, you know, to tell me personally how awesome my blog is, just drop off an e-mail at ashna(dot)banga(at)gmail(dot)com. 

PS- No spam. If there's anything fishy, I swear I'm going to pull you out, drag you by your hair and feed you to an angry and hungry troll. No kidding.

PPS- (added as an afterthought) I love Chocobar ice-cream.


  1. It was good to know you Ms Banga. You wrote a pretty interesting and engaging 'about-me' :)

    By the way, I didn't land here by mistake. Would I get a Chocobar for that. ;)

    1. Thank you for reading Usama! Thank God I really didn't write all blah blah :P And for honoring me, of course you get a Chocobar treat! :D As many as you can eat :P

  2. OMG...I am sooo pleased to know that I could be from some heavenly world as I genuinely wanted to know more about YOU!

    Such a wonderful introduction..loved reading it. In the end it left me with a smile on my face :)

    1. That's what your comment did, too :)
      Thank you!

  3. OMG! I mean seriously, OMG!! Uncanny stuff is happening with me on blogosphere these days! Stumbling upon your blog happens to be one of them and reading your intro an even bigger one... sorry, I can't help but mouth another OMG! I can draw so many parallels between us :) Harry Potter for one, chocobar for two, collecting tags from apparels and all that, reading 'any kind of fiction except too much romance', hobbyist photographer,foodie (although I am quite plump, unlike you :P) then there's "overestimating myself" part.
    Ok, I'm super excited to be here!! BTW, thanks for following my blog :) and again, OMG!!! This is so uncanny!!

    1. Is it?? WOW. I love talking to people who're similar :D Welcomeee! I hope you'd be able to connect with the stuff I ramble about ;)

      Thanks for following too! :D

  4. Observers are many. But to explain what you observe is not easy. Your blog is kind of explanation! Liked it. Have been reading earlier too.. as n when get time to open. stay blessed!

    1. Hey, thanks for those words! I'm glad you like it :)

  5. Nice intro - came here from ur comment on Antiblurbs blog.

  6. What exactly are real fantasy novels, Aashna? :)


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