
Saturday, June 28, 2014

Biased views, but MY views!

I should seriously get an award for the most lame blog-post titles. -_-

I'm kind of biased in my opinion, about everything and everybody. Let me tell you that for someone like me, it takes a lot of constraint to not pop out a steady 'I hate it', 'That's stupid', 'That's just crazy!' or 'Whaat kindddd of a person is sheee?' every time something stupid happens, which by the way, is almost all the time. So you can guess how constrained I might be feeling. I believed I could pour it all out in a diary or something, but then the speed of my thoughts is way faster than my hands can write, so I find it easier to type. And if I'm typing, it has to be posted. Why should one waste what one's written, right? I mean, unless it is absolute trash or demeaning someone. This could classify under either category, but just because of the fact that it's written by me and the important fact that I don't really care about rebellious jacks who might think of me as stupid or whatever, I think it's necessary for me to take this out. 

First off, I'm not really, like "really" detesting anyone in particular, and mostly these people are victims of this extremely weird kind of an environment we're into and not everyone has the 1) brain or 2) capability to get out of it, like some awesome people can. So that leaves us with so many people who do all sorts of crazy stuff, believing in things they shouldn't and make sensible people seem boring. Anyway, since I'm not targeting anyone but just expressing my thoughts, I don't need any rebuttal or hate mail. Even if you do send one, it's unlikely I'd respond. Unless it is to seek you out and feed you to my hungry dragon. She likes people roasted.

In no particular order:

1. Everyone is NOT a writer. And the strange thing is, everyone seems to think that they ARE. Everyone as in, all those who claim to be. Seriously, if you're one of those who has just read the baseless-emotionless-storyless recent junk in the name of contemporary writing and then in a surge of energy you write one of your own, you are not a writer. We were discussing this in office today after one of us expressed how people sending in their manuscripts or story submissions are all obsessed with the idea of love, while not having the least idea of how to express it. We saw books with stories that absolutely sucked. If not the story then the writing was meaningless. 

It's not important for you to take out a book with your name on it, unless it is a product that will actually contribute something good to society. Stories are regarded well for a reason, they're tenets of various forms of expression, but it needs to be done with care. You cannot write a book in a month, however good a writer you are. You need to spend time analyzing every aspect of it, you should know far more than what you're putting in your book and most of all, you should tell a story that is useful/beautiful/meaningful. And tell it with care and love. Those books I call trash don't show an ounce of anything I mentioned above. In fact, I don't really believe in their stand when they say, 'at least we make more people get into the habit of reading.'

What's the point of reading if you're not reading something of value? Stop promoting trash, people. Seriously. If you want to write adult novels, do that with care, precision and do it artfully. Don't just dump your crass thoughts in a character and go out promoting it because that's what people, or the "youngsters" want to read. Those kind of readers are anyway better off not reading anything rather than reading stuff that makes them even more gross than how they already are. *shudders*

2. What's up with teeny kids having totally silly-college-kid Facebook profiles? Wait. What's up with teeny kids having a Facebook profile in the first place? Returning home in the evening, I'm greeted by this cute little girl, aged 11 who says, 'Didi I sent you a friend request on FB, please accept it.' I seriously found it kind of cute, but then saw her status updates. I'm not blaming the kids, it's just......... something in the way kids are being brought up. Why does an eleven year old need to post about Deepika Padukone being compared to Kareena Kapoor, or about that Aliya Bhatt woman? When I was 11, I guess I was pretty much enthused about picture books, the new brain teaser game dad got, and Shakalaka Boom Boom. Oh, also Flintstones and Tom and Jerry and Popeye. I'm not saying they should do the same. But at least let kids be kids, no? 

3. Those women with high ponytailed hairstyles in the metro. I hate the lot. Especially when it's a crowded train and you're forced to stand behind these girls/ladies/women with high hairstyles and rough hair that fall straight on your face and gets even more annoying because these ladies just-can't-stand-still! Once you shift yourself slightly to the left to avoid the spiky-ness on your face, they'll somehow get the hint and move their silly heads even more. 

4. I don't even want to start on behaviour and attitude of women in the metro. Why do people have to stare? Like, why? And not even out of curiosity. They would stare and make you feel weird. They would stare and pass a smirk. Just-like-that. Man! Is there something in the metro air that makes these normal people sadists? Or do all stupid people travel in metro? Why can't people just keep their annoying noses to themselves and get the concept of personal space? I hardly use my cellphone in the metro unless it is to read something, because people have this hugely irritating habit of peeking into your phone to see what you're doing. They'll read your WhatsApp conversation over your shoulders, enjoy the videos you're watching from your right and left, and having enjoyed themselves, would look up at you and stare for a while, as if analyzing and carefully forming their *important* opinions about you. Umm lady? Who are you? -_-

5. I hate arrogant, proud and haughty people. Most of the times, they're not even as smart as they proclaim themselves to be. And then you feel nauseous knowing that they actually have fans drooling over them. Who reads those books on leadership lessons and behaviour??? If you have a fan following, you need to act responsible! You have the power to influence others, at least use it wisely! Although I do believe in the fact that these people are seldom genuinely liked. Sometimes they don't know this, and sometimes they do know but don't care. Weird!
6. Glancing at people in the metro and finding every head bowed, eyes glued to cell phones, headphones stuck in their ears, is hudd annoying. I admit. I too use the metro time to quickly message friends and family, but I most certainly don't waste time playing Candy Crush, or like the fellow passenger today, Farmville. I mean, it's kind of okay if I think about it. If they find it 'recreational', it is up to them, but there's just something wrong in looking at everyone staring at screens. It feels so mechanical and robotic. :/  

7. I don't like the fact that there's business in every damn thing we use. Overload of commercialization! The books in the market, the movies, the every day products, everything is about "what sells". It sucks. What about promoting something just because it is good? So what if it has a niche market? Those limited people would be immensely grateful. Why make everything mass market? :'( My idea of good products is when the seller is convinced of the quality and utility of what he's selling, and he convinces the buyers to try his product and buyers love it. Not how it works most of the time these days: looking at what "sells" and then making the product. You'd think I'm crazy or passed MBA by fraud, but fortunately I have personal opinions too. And I believe more in them. If I would ever write a book, I wouldn't look at what is selling and then conceptualize an idea. I'd look at what "I" want to tell and think of the best, and most personal way to bring it out. And then tell the world why they should read it. 

8. Have you seen shy kids? Their parents are those who seem the most disturbed, because they want their kid(s) to be 'outgoing' and tez. Without realizing that the kid is a human as well, and someone with his/her own characteristics. Asking a kid to be who he/she is not, is child abuse. Stop worrying about stupid "competition" in the world. The biggest thing you can teach your kid is how to find happiness in the littlest of things, and then let him/her go about discovering life themselves. Especially in the Indian culture, it's terrible how sometimes people have to compromise their own aspirations, their choice of partner, their own feelings, just because people in the family would not support them. It's kind of pathetic that people go out shouting slogans and sharing stupid messages on social media, talking about development and other such BS of the country, when they won't bother to accept the evils they're practicing in their own homes in the name of 'culture' and 'tradition'. Total stupidity. 

9. I love simplicity and people who're simple. They're usually the kindest of all, and a pleasure to talk to. They enrich you with the super-simple but meaningful things they say, they won't gossip about useless stuff and their idea of fun is what I call real fun. :)


  1. I am, after such a long time, back on your blog(or should I say one of your blogs) and I loved it. Abso-very-lutely. But no, it is not that I love it when you write stuff that irritates you or the stuff you don't like, mostly because it says that you've lately been stalked by the weirdest and baddest of annoy-zombies. I loved this one for many reasons but I love it even more when you write happy cheery posts cause that means that zombies have been in hibernation :P

    Okay, the fourth point is something I can't copy and paste directly into my own metro diaries post only because I would be prosecuted with plagiarism. Each and every word you wrote in that point applies to me absolutely 100%. Come to the aam junta compartment someday, you'll how nosy(literally) people can be :X :P

    Point 1, seriously yaar, do people recognise even what is wrong with this whole notion of I-will-jot-down-my-own-little-love-story-and-it-will-become-an-instant-bestseller just because some other bloke was lucky to have achieved it. What's up with sex and love anyway, the other genres seem like they have ceased to exist. It sucks!

    Point 2, hopeless world.

    Point 3, no comments :P

    About points 5 and 7, I think they both go hand in hand. One supports the other and they often need each other's help :X And commercialisation to I hate! It has a direct result of making people less human :/ I wish that people were more simple. A thought that would make me look like stupid but still, simple and soft-spoken and nice people are what is holding this whole world together :)

    And yeah, I agree with you on point 8, I won't add much because then it'll become a post of its own but yeah. This is not good.

    The only point I don't totally agree with you on is point 6. Different people like different stuff and different games so yeah, it's cool if they prefer playing farmville to spend their metro journey in :)

    Okay, enough written. This might read as really weird because I wrote this comment with three breaks in between. Do bear it :P

    Keep writing Ashna, God Bless!!

    1. Hiya! :D

      I just posted a comment that did not get posted -_- Hudd.

      Thanks for your super cool comment man. :D I'm glad you agree with *almost* all points. :) *Hi-5*! If I get hate mail, I'm CCing them to you :P

      I love your point about simple people and the world. Do talk to me more about it sometime :')

      As for people playing whatever they like, I did add in the next line that it's really up to them, I just meant that there's something wrong with the "feel" of it. Looking at people and finding almost everyone bowed over their fones. It's just something, doesn't "feel" right :P

      Keep commenting man, love them ^_^

      PS- Oh yes!! I haveeeee been in the aam junta coach. *Hats-off* seriously o.O Those people are TOO weird, the kind you're talking about. I've seen them with my own two big black eyes :O :P

      Take care! :D

  2. Good one, Ashna! I so agree with the metro thing, so irritating! And yes, innocence seems to be lost with kids these days, what with their noses in iPads and laptops!

    1. Hello A! Thank you. It's good to know I'm not the only one who gets irritated in the metro with all those things!

  3. Hey Ashna :) I loved this vent post. Sometimes, we just need to get it out of our system and see who agrees with us!

    #1: I totally agree with that! Erotic writing everywhere you see, all in the name of adult fiction. And it is not even classy, it grosses me out, the kind of language in that. Jeffrey Archer wrote a few erotic short stories too, but the language and the way the story was weaved - so amazing! Not perverted at all.

    #2: Yaar Ashna, I saw this girl on the bus and she was about 10 years old. She was so cute, so I started talking to her about school and stuff. She asked me for my FB id before she got off the bus and I told her that I'm not on FB and that she shouldn't add strangers. She glared at me and said, "You're really not on FB di? What are you, five years old?!" She snickered at me! Oh. my. God.

    #3: I wear a high ponytail, but I always put my hair over my shoulder, so I guess I've never tortured someone like that. But really, other people's hair on my skin grosses me out. Oil, dandruff and what not. Eeeeewwwwww.

    #4: I swear that women stare more than men. Today, while I was travelling to office, there was this lady who was constantly staring at me. Every time, I looked towards her side, she'd bend down or look away. But I feel like I've been getting more female attention (read staring) than male. :D These women are so nosy, you're right about them peeping into other people's phones. So pissing off.

    #5: Arrogant. Excessive pride. Hypocrites. All these kind of people drive me crazy. No explanations needed.

    #6: I'm guilty of this. I spend my entire travelling time listening to music and staring out the window or whatsapping non-stop.

    #7: Commercialization? True that it happens. But I've never liked mass production cause there is no uniqueness in any product that you buy. And it annoys me when I see someone else wear the same dress or carry the same bag or whatever as me. -_-

    #8: If I start talking about this, I will go on and on and on. So, really, let's get over the stereotypes (dear parents) and live our lives the way we want to. Everyone deserves to have the freedom of choice.

    #9: I am a simple person, that's why you like me right? :D

    Hope work is treating you well and you're having a great time!!

    Let's exchange numbers?

    Hugs!!!! :* Take care :)

    1. Hiya Abinaya! *waves* :D
      I feel so awesome to see this awesomely long comment! Thank you!

      Agree with you on almost all points, and I'm glad that you take care of keeping your ponytail with you :P And seriously, aunties. are. hudd. annoying >.<

      About that ten year old: o.O Goodness!!!! This is NOT something to be proud of. It's idiotic.
      As for using cell phones, I'm not against it, really. Like I mentioned in the post as well, it's just weird looking at everyone inside their fones. Thankfully, I do remember a time when smartphones hadn't taken over the planet and people in the Metro did look more like humans and less like robots :D I use my cell as well now, to read and stuff, because it IS sometimes convenient, but just the picture is weirdly scary and robot-y :P

      Mass production. Aah! I know, unique products are unique, and even I hate it when someone has the same things! But that's what was my point! Don't sell what is already selling and is selling because it is whatever! Make something awesome, no!

      I guess we have a lot to talk about. Yep, let's exchange numbers. Will email you or something :)

      Take care too! <3

  4. Hey Ashna, I have nominated you for "The Leibster award". Please follow these link:

  5. Nominated you for "Quintet of Radiance" Award. Check out the details here -

    1. @ Pratibha and Eloquent Mind: Oh my! Two-two awards! :D Thank you! Will check them out and post about them asap :)

  6. I just had to nod my head as I read from one point to another. and yes these days people r almost always on phone. Including me :P

    1. Haha! :P It's alright. I just hope we take some time out to not be on our phones. It'll be nice :P
      Thanks for reading. And agreeing. :D

  7. Whole lotta funda in one chota sa post... You remind me of myself, especially the way you write :)

    1. Heylo PeeV ee! Welcome to my blog. Glad you liked the post! :)


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