
Saturday, September 15, 2012

Up in the sky...

The always downcast look
Moves towards the sky,
With rolling thunder, clouds
And rain, way up too high.

Majestic, a scarce beauty
She sees up above,
Watches what was once clear blue
Turn dark, swirling with love.

Fixated, she watched one
Dark dragon, emanating black fire,
Spread its wings over white-gold foam
Chase a grey lion, even up higher.

Another comes, shakes her
Back to ground, she sighs,
It had felt so heavenly, had fed her
Fantasies, she had loved those sights.

They stepped in the wet
Trod careful little steps,
Her focus now shifted, to
The muck, it might spoil her dress.

But the magic hadn't gone
A drop landed on her forehead,
Again she stopped, looked above
Letting the other move ahead.

There, mystified she stood
To fathom the beauty,
The dark, bright shades mixed
In pure joy, ecstasy, harmony.

A metal bird crossed
Her area of scrutiny, she stared,
In awe as it flew undeterred 
While she stood, as it poured, hardly cared.

The other turned back, gently took her hand
Wiped her tears along with the smears,
She smiled, lingered at the magical sky
Just for another while, back with happy tears. 

This attempt at a poem is to describe what I saw and how I felt while I was mystified with the beautiful sky! I just love the sky, for reasons I can't fathom. I mean, I even love photographing the sky, especially when it's cloudy. It's been raining for the past two days and I've felt overwhelmed with all the feelings it gives me. It's just magical. :) 

Also, this overwhelming feeling is because I have finals next week and you know how I get when I have exams. I can do any-crazy-thing but study. I mean, you know how I've been saying over and over and over how I can't just write poems but I feel like it and come up with one (however silly), when I feel this way. I haven't even figured myself out yet. C'mon people! Even if you didn't like the poem, wish me luck, no? Considering I haven't studied a thing yet. Good luck works! :D


  1. And whoever did ever said you can't write poem. I could feel the sky, the rain and the ascending emotions reading this.
    It was a beautiful poem Ashna. Just beautiful, and the photo couldn't have been more apt for it. Perfect combination.
    Keep writing poems. I loved this one. :D

    1. P.S: All the very best for exams. :D :))

    2. Thank you Usama. :) I actually liked this one too :P
      As for the picture, ya! I thought I'd use one of my own and saw this and I knew it'd be perfect! Clouds and rain ;)

      Thanks for the wishes :D

  2. Hey this is my favourite pic of all the ones you have clicked sooo far. I simply love this one and whoa!! What a poem... for me those lines combined with that pic were like a musical to me..

    You should seriously consider writing more poems... !

    BTW all the best for your exams:)

    1. Thanks Me! Poems come to me at random, unexpected moments. I guess I just need to keep a pen and paper with me at all times. :P

      I'm glad you liked it and the picture. I really like that too. Thank you for your good wishes! :D

  3. Oh, this is one mother of a poem.

    Now you should give some serious thoughts on poetry. You indeed are quite good at it darling :)

  4. Hawwww you call this poem silly! You silly its so lovely :) Here also raining and love watching sky a lot. Most of my answers come from there only! :)

    Lovely poem and all the best! Keep writing :D

    1. @ Sukku: Your comment just made me :D .. thank you! I guess I need more exam-like situations for more poems ;)

      @ Sridevi: I love it too! :D Thank you for your lovely comment :)

  5. I loved the connection in each para and the way it has been made to rhyme. Lovely poem Ashna! You always bring out the best through words! :D

    PS - Nice click! :)

    1. Thank you Ron a.k.a. Rachit a.k.a. Leo! :P Glad to know an amazing poet likes this poem ;)

  6. Wonderfully written ... you have described it so well !!!


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